Local/Regional Certifications
Green Business Certification
Being a Certified Green Business is the clearest way to show your community and customers that you care about sustainability. It shows them that you are committed to taking action to conserve resources and prevent pollution in both the facility and operations. It means that your business complies with environmental regulations in the areas of waste, energy, water, pollution prevention, and air quality.
Save Money
Improve Employee Wellness
Enjoy a Marketing Edge Over the Competition
Receive Recognition by your local City or County
Rebates to Help with the Transition
California Green Business Network
(831) 272-2711
Child Welcoming Business Certification
Child Welcoming Businesses invite children and parents to interact in their place of business. They have activities or materials that encourage adults and children to build strong family bonds, encouraging strong community bonds.
This can look different in a variety of environments including a play area in a waiting room, children’s books in a cozy reading corner, or posters that promote parent-child interaction in public areas.
Child welcoming options may include:
Providing a clean play area for children with safe, age-appropriate toys and materials
Providing reading materials across diverse topics and age ranges in customer areas (ex. books, coloring options, etc.)
Providing healthy food and beverage options
Displaying child-friendly images around your business
Opening up your business to children for visits and/or field trips
Bright Beginnings Monterey County
(831) 444-8549
Family Friendly Employer Certification
Businesses can establish a work environment and policies that enable employees to effectively balance and fulfill both their work and family responsibilities. Providing flexible working arrangements while attending to organizational needs can have strongly positive outcomes for both employers and employees.
Family friendly options may include:
Granting access to paid time off in single or part-day increments
Implementing the ability for employees to take time off, instead of taking overtime pay
Allowing for employees to work additional hours to accommodate for time taken off
Providing part-time work opportunities or job share agreements
Allowing for telecommuting or home-based work
Bright Beginnings Monterey County
(831) 444-8549
small disadvantaged business cetrtification
The Federal Government award about 10% of all federal contract dollars, or roughly $50 billion in contracts, to Small Disadvantages Businesses. To qualify, your business must:
Be 51% or more owned and controlled by one or more disadvantaged persons
The disadvantaged person or persons must be socially disadvantaged and economically disadvantaged
The business must be small, according to the SBA’s size standards
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000
State Certifications
LGBTQ+ Owned Business Certification (STATE)
The Supplier Clearinghouse certifies firms and publishes a directory for use by participating utility companies and the public. These activities are governed by General Order 156 of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the Supplier Clearinghouse Eligibility Standards. The program provides certified MBE, WBE, DVBE, LGBTBE and PDBE firms the opportunity to participate in a wide range of business opportunities.
The Supplier Clearinghouse
(562) 325-8685
Minority-Owned Business Certification (State)
The Supplier Clearinghouse certifies firms and publishes a directory for use by participating utility companies and the public. These activities are governed by General Order 156 of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the Supplier Clearinghouse Eligibility Standards. The program provides certified MBE, WBE, DVBE, LGBTBE and PDBE firms the opportunity to participate in a wide range of business opportunities.
The Supplier Clearinghouse
(562) 325-8685
Persons with Disabilities owned business certification (STAte)
The Supplier Clearinghouse certifies firms and publishes a directory for use by participating utility companies and the public. These activities are governed by General Order 156 of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the Supplier Clearinghouse Eligibility Standards. The program provides certified MBE, WBE, DVBE, LGBTBE and PDBE firms the opportunity to participate in a wide range of business opportunities.
The Supplier Clearinghouse
(562) 325-8685
Federal Certifications
7(j) management and technical assistance
Authorized by the Small Business Act, SBA’s 7(j) Management and Technical Assistance program, or the 7(j) program, provides high-quality assistance to SBA-approved small businesses to help them successfully compete for federal, state, and local contracting opportunities as a prime or subcontractor. In 2019, the federal government exceeded their small business contracting goal (5%) for the seventh consecutive year, awarding a record breaking $132.9 billion in prime contracts to small businesses.
Businesses in the program receive training, executive education, and one-on-one consulting in a wide range of activities, and the opportunity to participate in courses in the following areas:
Strategic and operational planning
Financial analysis
Business development
Contract management
Various business-related software
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000
8(a) Business Development Certification (Federal)
The 8(a) program can be a valuable tool for experienced socially and economically disadvantaged small business owners, who have already been in business for at least two years or more, and are interested in expanding their footprint in the federal marketplace. The 8(a) program offers unique and valuable business assistance. The 8(a) certification does not guarantee contract awards but it is a dynamic tool to pursue and capture new opportunity from the government.
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000
hub zone certification (federal)
The government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses in historically underutilized business zones. It also gives preferential consideration to those businesses in full and open competition.
Joining the HUBZone program makes your business eligible to compete for the program’s set-aside contracts. HUBZone-certified businesses also get a 10% price evaluation preference in full and open contract competitions.
HUBZone-certified businesses can still compete for contract awards under other socio-economic programs they qualify for.
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000
Natural Resource Sales Assistance Program (Federal)
SBA uses small business set-asides to help them get a fair share of government property sales and leases.
Set-asides limit bidding on the products exclusively to small businesses first. That way, small businesses get a chance to bid with limited competition before the products are offered to other businesses in the open market.
Sometimes, agencies will divide materials into smaller parcels to make it easier for small businesses to afford.
The SBA also provides counseling and other assistance to small businesses on government sales and leasing.
The program covers five categories of federal resources:
Timber and related forest products
Strategic materials
Royalty oil
Leases involving rights to minerals, coal, oil, and gas
Surplus real and personal property
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000
SBA Mentor-Protégé program (Federal)
Protégés can get valuable business development help from their mentors in several areas, including:
Guidance on internal business management systems, accounting, marketing, manufacturing, and strategic planning
Financial assistance in the form of equity investments, loans, and bonding
Assistance navigating federal contract bidding, acquisition, and the federal procurement process
Education about international trade, strategic planning, and finding markets
Business development, including strategy and identifying contracting and partnership opportunities
General and administrative assistance, like human resource sharing or security clearance support
A mentor and its protégé can joint venture as a small business for any small business contract, provided the protégé individually qualifies as small. The joint venture may also pursue any type of set-aside contract for which the protégé qualifies, including contracts set aside for 8(a), service-disabled veteran-owned, women-owned, and HUBZone businesses. Visit the Joint Venture program page more information
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Certification (federal)
Getting certified by SBA as service-disabled veteran-owned (SDVOSB) makes your business eligible to compete for sole-source and set-aside contracts. At least 3% of all federal contracting dollars each year are set aside specifically for certified SDVOSBs. You can also compete for contracts under other qualifying socio-economic programs.
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000
Veteran-Owned Small Business Certification (federal)
Getting certified by SBA as veteran-owned (VOSB) makes your business eligible to compete for sole-source and set-aside contracts at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA sets aside at least 7% of its contracts each year specifically for certified VOSBs and SDVOSBs. You can also compete for contracts under other qualifying socio-economic programs.
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000
Woman-Owned Business Certifications
The U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce awards four highly regard women-owned business certifications to help women business owners advance their business growth as suppliers to governments and large corporations in the Unites States and internationally:
Women-Owned Small Business (Federal WOSB Program)
Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (Federal EDWOSB Program)
National Women’s Business Enterprise (NWBE) (Corporate and Regional Governments)
International Women’s Business Enterprise (IWBE) (Corporate and Regional Governments)
U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce
(202) 607-2488

LGBTQ+ owned and lgbtq+ friendly business guide
Business with PRIDE! We invite business owners to proudly self-identify as LGBTQ+ owned or LGBTQ+ friendly and showcase their support for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Please fill out the short survey and you’ll appear in directories for Building Business Back and Salinas Valley Pride Celebrations.
take the survey