State Resources
Recycling Market Development Zones (RMDZ)
Provides attractive loans, technical assistance, and free product marketing to businesses that use materials from the waste stream to manufacture their products and are located in a RMDZ
Local government incentives* may include relaxed building codes and zoning laws, streamlined local permit processes, reduced taxes and licensing, and increased and consistent secondary material feedstock supply
*Local incentives vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction
County of Monterey Economic Development
(831) 784-5602
Federal Resources
HubZone Program
Federal government contracting program that limits competition for certain contracts to businesses in historically underutilized business zones and gives preferential consideration to those businesses in full and open competition
HUBZone-certified businesses also get a 10% price evaluation preference in full and open contract competitions
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000
Opportunity Zones
Provides preferential capital gains treatment for investments within designated low-income census tracts:
- temporary tax deferral on any capital against reinvested in a QOF within 180 days of realization
- 10% step-up in basis for capital gains reinvested in a QOF if the investment is held for 5 years
- basis is increased an additional 5% for any investments held for 7 years
taxpayers can exclude up to 15% of the value of their reinvested capital gains from their taxable income - permanently exclude from taxation any capital gains that accrue after their investment in a QOF, if the investment is held for at least 10 years
County of Monterey Economic Development
(831) 784-5602
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): Rural Development Business Programs
Federal government contracting program that limits competition for certain contracts to businesses in historically underutilized business zones and gives preferential consideration to those businesses in full and open competition
HUBZone-certified businesses also get a 10% price evaluation preference in full and open contract competitions
Monterey Bay Apex Accelerator
(831) 216-3000